Small tourism providers in watercourse regions face numerous challenges. The unprecedented economic crisis of our era, especially in countries that rely on tourism as a driver for economic development, also represents an opportunity to shift tendencies and strengthen economic resilience, especially in local areas.
The BLUE TOURISM project aims at contributing to finding solutions to the current challenges, by equipping a network of future local advisors in eight key competences, so they can support and provide advice to small tourism providers in watercourse regions to be more sustainable and competitive. The BLUE TOURISM Sustainable Advisor Competence Profile consists of an explicit set of learning outcomes aligned with EU frameworks (EQF, ECVET and EQAVET).
In addition, the BLUE TOURISM educational resources package is a tailored training package designed to deliver each competence area and designated learning units with competence area guidance; tutorials; hands-on resources; practical tips; and useful readings.
The BLUE TOURISM Digital Space serves as a one-stop shop, providing instant access to the full suite of the digital learning resources mentioned above.